
What are the types of leukocytosis?

There are five types of white blood cells (leukocytes), so there are five types of leukocytosis, depending on which type of cell is affected: Neutrophilia leukocytosis is caused by a high number of neutrophils (the most plentiful type of white blood cell, which helps resolve infections and heal damaged tissues). Lymphocytosis refers to high levels of lymphocytes (white blood cells that protect your lymphatic system). Monocytosis is caused by a high number of monocytes (white blood cells that boost your immune responses). Eosinophilia refers to high levels of eosinophils (white blood cells that play a role in fighting infections and inflammation). Eosinophilia is common and is often related to allergies, parasitic infections or autoimmune disorders. Basophilia, the rarest form of leukocytosis, is characterized by an increased number of basophils (white blood cells that play a role in fighting parasitic infections, preventing blood clotting and responding to allergic reactions). When WBC are too many white blood cells, it usually means you have infection or inflammation in your body. Less commonly, a high white blood cell count could indicate certain blood cancers or bone marrow disorders.

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